Monday, August 11, 2008

Crap, Now I Have To Be Interesting...And Productive

On Friday I decided to share The Pickle Tree with my family and friends.

I therefore created for myself one of the largest catch 22's I have ever had to deal with. (As a side note, my husband despises the term "catch 22" because what does it mean, really? I thought of him as I started writing this post, and actually interrupted myself to look up the definition of catch 22. Very insightful, as I believe I have been using it wrong for years. Inconceivable.)

Anyway, the catch 22. Hopefully there is now more than one person reading my blog on a regular basis. (Me being the one person. Yes, I count. I read as I write.) Hopefully my family and friends will find the blog at least mildly entertaining and pass it on to other family members and friends of their own. I could have my own little blog following, how cool is that?

I can't really find much of a problem with that except for...the title of this blog. Now I'm probably expected to be interesting on a fairly regular basis, and anyone who knows me is aware that my life is far from interesting on a regular basis. And when it is interesting, I don't want my parents reading about it because it usually involves alcohol, curse words and sex. So there's half of my catch 22.

The other half is that I sent out the blog as a way of letting my family and friends know that "Hey, I've finally decided to stop wallowing in the fact that I don't have a college degree and get back into this writing thing."

This means that I have painted myself into a productive corner. My family and friends now expect me to be writing all the time. Yes, I have already received phone calls asking "So what have you written today?" Which really is fine, and invited, since apparently my motivation levels are linked to my irritation levels. It would explain why I get my best ideas in the car, as I am frequently a victim of road rage.

So welcome, family and friends, thanks for being here. Thanks for the support. I apologize to those of you who would enjoy reading about alcohol, curse words and sex. Call my father and make him promise to never read this blog and you'll get yourself some way more interesting topics.

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